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About the Colonial Region



The Automobile License Plate Collectors Association was founded by Dr. Cecil George, of Massachusetts, and Asa P. Colby, of New Hampshire, in December 1954. However, the many organized, sanctioned regions we have today were not created until a number of years thereafter. Nevertheless, because the club was founded here in New England, this is where its earliest local (or "regional") events were held. According to a Sept. 30, 1963, Newburyport Daily News article, "the first New England regional meeting of the Automobile License Plate Collectors association [was] held in the Byfield Town Hall, Saturday and Sunday," presumably Sept. 28 and 29. It was hosted by David Dumas (RI), Conrad Hughson (MA, the local host), Ken Nims (MA), and Bob Tuthill (MA). "A warm, friendly atmosphere prevailed in Town Hall Sunday morning, in spite of the rain outside, as the collectors sat around and swapped tales of just how some of the plates in their collections were found and the difficulties encountered in attempting to augment them. Years and years of contacting famous people, digging through junk yards, writing letters and visiting, are necessary in acquiring the desired license numbers," reads the article.


The Colonial Region was formed during a meeting held on May 19 and 20, 1973, in Staffordville, CT, but "we had been functioning as a region for years before that, probably since the late 60's," wrote Conrad Hughson in 2014 about those early days. According to an account of this meet printed on page 181 of the June 1973 ALPCA Newsletter, there were 24 members and 18 guests in attendance, and 21 of the members (all present except the three from New Jersey, which was outside the boundaries of the new region but was part of the already-formed Region #1) signed up to be charter members of the region. Regional meetings have been held ever since.


Current Operations


The Colonial Region (the Region) of the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association (ALPCA) directly serves license plate hobbyists in the six New England states and New York, but we welcome ALPCA members in good standing from outside the region to enjoy our events, of which there are three annually. Operations of our events are governed overall by policies and procedures provided in the ALPCA's Regional and Independent Meet Affiliation Policy, which is supplemented by the ALPCA Region FAQs.


Operations of the Colonial Region are managed by three directors, each of whom were elected to two-year terms at the Region's fall 2023 meet, assisted by a treasurer, Richard Dragon (RI), and a registrar, Bob D'Amico (CT). Joe Pugliese (NJ) is our webmaster. The three directors are Alan Young (MA), Bob Senatro (CT), and Chris Cooper (NH).


The Region is not a standalone legal entity, but it has its own bank account and manages its own affairs. One dollar from each admission fee collected at all meets is provided to the ALPCA for the benefit of Region events being covered by the ALPCA's liability insurance.


The "donation auction" is a long-standing tradition at Colonial Region meets. These lively events are an enjoyable way for members to add plates to their collections and trade stock while providing important financial support to the Region. During the morning of each meet, attendees are asked to donate at least a few quality plates to the auction, which are collected and sorted by the auction's organizers shortly before the bidding begins. Our auction manager is Bob Senatro (CT), and Joe Macera (RI) serves as the Region's lead auctioneer.


Get Involved!


The Colonial Region directors invite all interested ALPCA members in good standing, particularly those who reside within the region, to get involved in Region events by volunteering to host or assist in the operation of one or more of our meets. Please contact one of the directors to indicate your willingness to help make our events as enjoyable as possible for all who attend!

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